Easy Eyes is a New Desk Accessory that is designed to make long sessions in front of your computer screen easier on your eyes. Easy Eyes allows you to set the foreground (text) color and background color while in 640-mode. For example, this would allow you to have a dark blue background behind white text-much easier on the eyes then white on black for lengthy work.
Easy Eyes is shipped active (turned on) with a dark blue background and white foreground (text). Any application in 640-mode will use these colors.
Selecting the NDA will bring up a window. At the top of the window you select the color set. Click on the radio button Alternate #1 and see what happens (or press 1). Next, click on Alternate #2 (or press 2). Click on Standard System to set the colors back to the standard 640-mode GS colors. Finally, click on Default (or press D) to reset Easy Eyes to the Softdisk G-S default.
Editing and saving the colors
In the middle of the window you will notice three scroll bars. Labeled Red, Green and Blue, they are used to adjust the colors. The Foreground and Background radio buttons are used to select which to edit. Click on the radio button or press F and B, respectively. If you want to alter the colors and then save your new Foreground and Background, follow these steps...
Step 1: select Default, Alternate #1 or Alternate #2.
Step 2: alter the colors to your liking.
Step 3: click on Save Color Set (or press apple-S).
Your color (Foreground and Background) will be saved according to what you chose in step one. Remember: you will loose the ╥original╙ colors when you use the Save Color Set item.
Other stuff
The About box will open when you click on the About button (or press apple-!). To view the shortcuts, open the Help window (click on the Help button or press apple?).
Copying the Easy Eyes NDA into your System:Desk.Accs folder
Select ╥Installer...╙ from the File Menu (or press apple-I) and the Installer will be launched. Then highlight ╥Easy Eyes╙ by clicking on it. Next, be sure your boot disk is online or, in the case of a floppy, inserted. Click on the Disk button until that disk comes up. Finally, click on the Install button and the copying will be done. Access Easy Eyes from the Apple menu.
InstantDA allows you to double-click on New Desk Accessories (NDAs) or Classic Desk Accessories (CDAs) from Finder¬ and have them automatically installed. After double-clicking on Easy Eyes, you'll be able to select it from the Apple menu just as if it had been installed in your System disk when you booted. It doesn't even matter where it's located; it can even be on another disk!
Installing Easy Eyes & InstantDA: InstantDA requires two files in order to work correctly. These files are an application (InstantDA) and an icon file (InstantDA.Icons). InstantDA must be located in the System folder of your boot disk. The icon file belongs in the Icon folder. Both of these files are installed automatically for you by using the Installer menu in the Softdisk G-S shell -- select ╥InstantDA╙. Then, select ╥Easy Eyes (anywhere)╙ to install Easy Eyes in the folder of your choice.
Using InstantDA with Easy Eyes: Once InstantDA is installed, you can double-click on any number of NDAs or CDAs and they will all be installed in your system. If the desk accessory is on a different disk, InstantDA will ask that you insert the appropriate disk. If you can't find the disk, or decide that you really don't want to install the DA, you can cancel the operation by pressing Escape.
That's it! That's all there is to using InstantDA. InstantDA is not your typical GS/OS application: if you double-click on InstantDA, nothing happens, and you will return to Finder. This is not a mistake; this is the way that InstantDA was designed. One of the specifications of InstantDA was to ensure that it would be as small as possible. InstantDA only takes 5K of disk space (both the application and the icons file!) By only using 5K, you can install InstantDA on just about any boot disk you'd like.
Don't Forget-InstantDA does not restart Easy Eyes after you reboot or shut down. It must be loaded again with each new computing session.
For those of you that don't use Finder, or prefer not to use InstantDA, we've included an Easy Eyes Program. As long as the files ╥EasyEyes╙ and ╥EasyEyesProgram╙ are in the same folder, you can run ╥EasyEyesProgram╙ and have the Easy Eyes NDA installed permanently. This may be useful for those of you without hard drives.
To use Easy Eyes Program: Select ╥Installer...╙ from the File Menu (or press apple-I) and the Installer will be launched. Then highlight the ╥Easy Eyes (as a program)╙ script by clicking on it. Next, be sure the disk you want to copy the files to is inserted and click on the Disk button until that disk comes up. Click on the Install button and the copying will be done.